This is the navigation icons for SketchKit interface design. Since the design of the interface are all soft edges, I wanted to design each icon in the same manner as well. In the interface you get to have 5 navigation control: (1) pencil, (2) eraser, (3) paint bucket, (4) trash/recycle bin, and (5) paint brush. Something that's easily recognizable and appeals to the target audience. I really enjoyed working on this project and looking forward on its progress.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Navigation Icons for SketchKit
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Updated: SketchKit Interface Design
The product I chose for this class is a flash website that teaches kids age to 6-13 years old on how to draw. The product includes a drawing stage, a video tutorial and a color wheel. The purpose for this product is to teach kids on how to draw by using the drawing tablet and with the help of the video tutorial kids are able to follow and draw at the same time. With the use of the color wheel they are able to play and experiment with the different color combinations. They would also learn how on mix color and create their own combinations as well. Since my target audience is kids ages 6-13, I made use of the large buttons for easy navigation and interaction.
During the gathering of data, research and interview an interesting fact came into topic. I interviewed numerous kids and other people on their feedback about the entire site and design of the interface and interestingly enough I've found out that the majority of right handed people find the first design hard and uncomfortable to use. This is because I'm a left handed designer and of course in designing the interface I would design something that would be comfortable for me to use. So through the data and research I've gathered I came up with another interface design and this time for right handed kids. So in the beginning of the website kids are able to choose whether they are right or left handed in drawing.
In terms for future work, I was planning of creating like a profile page for each user, where they could see their posted works online in their account and each time they get voted for being the "artist of the month" they get a special trophy and by the end of the quarter they would win a special prize. Ideally I would want to give away drawing tablets as the grand prize because I want to promote kids to learn more on how to draw through the means of digital media.
My inspiration towards this projects comes from my background as being a private art teacher before. I used to teach kids ages 6-10 years old on how to draw life drawing and sketches, so I wanted to create something that would continue that passion.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Virtuoso The Movie
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Bubble Tea Logo
Due to some constrains in the project brief we could not use Granville Island Tea Company as our sample branding for infographics, so me and SuhYang decided on doing bubble tea instead. Since we already started the process of designing an elephant and a teapot combine in one to represent tea, we change the color and added little bubbles to the logo. I've change the design of the stout as well to give it more of a well rounded curve to show that the elephant is producing bubbles. The colors that I've picked for this logo has change for the fact that our target market are mostly students, which comprises of a younger demographic.
The logotype chosen for this piece was to pick a font that would correlate with the roundness of the images especially the bubbles elements. So that throughout the entire logo there would be continuity with all the elements. This is just the first draft of designs I came up with today.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Graville Island Tea Company Concept Logo
This is an ongoing project for our infographic motion piece. Our theme for the project is "The Creative Process of Corporate Identity", and it would be a step-by-step process of the entire development on designing a logo. I did a couple of rough sketches during the first stage then slowly the idea kept on evolving until achieving the final result. At the moment these are just some of sample work I came up with in designing the logo for Granville Island Tea Company and decided to go for something simple and easy to recognize.
On topmost shows the final result (so far...) and at the bottom part shows the transition of the concept from the first initial designs moving up to the final draft.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Bag Organizer
This is another branding piece I've been working on lately. The process that I've gone through in coming up with this design was more on how to create an icon that would symbolize an organizer inside another bag. Just to fill you guys in about the product, it was design as a small bag with multiple pockets that would help organize the things that you put inside your bag. This product is targeted to women on the go, especially knowing how women are switching stuff from one bag to another, with the bag organizer doing that task would only take seconds and it's hassle free.
So I did a couple of sketches and variations on how to produce this logo and I wanted to emphasize on the brand name, which at first was "bag-o", short for bag organizer so the design symbolizes two bags and I use a circle to surround it. So after a couple rounds of revisions I came up with this design, I wanted to emphasize on the simplicity of the design and that it would be easily recognizable. My first design draft was done all in black/white and then I tried using gray scale then moving on to colors. In choosing the colors I decided to go with the colors from the Philippine flag, where this product was made.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Corporate Identity
This logo was design for a fictitious tree planting organization. This was presented during our class in contemporary design where we as designers were ask to create a solution on how we could do our part in helping our environment. Our team decided to take global warming as our topic so we started brainstorming on ideas.
We did our research and found out the through means of tree planting would help lessen the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere so in turn we decided to create an organization that's all about tree planting. Within our corporate identity we design (1) tree planting kit (2) brochures (3) posters (4) promotional giveaways (5) t-shirts, as a part of our package.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Lahela's Kitchen Corporate Branding
This is corporate identity side project that I've been working on for the past 2 weeks for a consumer goods manufacturer in the Philippines. I did many variations of the logo using different layouts, shapes and color combinations. The original logo for this company emphasizes more on its typeface, so I wanted to recreate its identity by giving it a unique and strong icon that would give immediate recognition of the logo. The purpose for the redesigning this logo is that it would be easier to recognize and would easily stand alone even without its typeface.
Branding Inspiration
This is one of my favorite sites for corporate identity. A good site for branding inspiration and where you can post some of your works to get constructive feedback from other professional designers.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Getting Started
I haven't blog in the longest time but I guess it's never too late to try again. This is my third week into the 3rd semester of my program in digital designing and I'm pretty psyche about this term because we'll be having branding and typography as part of our curriculum.
Just a head's up on my progress throughout this term, for our project in motion design for term 3 we would be designing an motion infographic. For this project me and my partner Suhyang have decided on the title "creative process of corporate identity" as our topic for our infographic piece. We're still on the developmental stage as of now so I'll keep everyone posted on our progress in completing this project.