Saturday, October 27, 2007

The New Conquer Logo

Here is the new Conquer logo use for our branding class. We did more research asking people around the first thing that pops in their head when they first viewed the logo and most responses are: strong, organic, powerful, healthy and active. Then we showed them our first design, then we ended up getting responses such as: corporate, modern looking, active and sleek. So from gathering enough data and feedback from our interviews we decided to stick with the new design.

In choosing the logo name we wanted to have something closely related to our USP which is "don't crash. conquer". We chose the name conquer as our identity, reminding our target audience (female college students, ages:19-23) that no matter what happens in school whether your working hard on your projects or just stress out from everything, you have the power to overcome obstacles. To give them self-confidence in making right decisions for their health and to boost up their own self-esteem. So in designing the logo I was thinking of something that would symbolize victory over obstacles that students face like stress, insomnia and etc. For the 3 small leaves sticking out at the end of the logo would illustrate a sword raised up as an symbol of victory over these obstacles and being that its a tea product, would fit perfectly in place.

The package design was prepared by SuHyang, while I took charge of the application process for the brand. Knowing that our target is female college students, we did more studies and research about them and came up with ideas on how promote the brand. (1) students spend long hours studying or finishing projects in schools, time is very essential to them especially in completing certain deadlines in school; (2) knowing the long hours of work most students commute late at night, which proves to be big issue especially for female college students. By studying these facts I came up with this idea for a "survival kit" that we could give to students.

The items include a flashlight, alarm clock, cap, umbrella and a tea tumbler. The flashlight would be ideal for those students who would be commuting home late at night, so by having a flashlight around would help them pass through dark area safely. The alarm clock would be ideal to keep track of time and time management in completing the large amount of work. The umbrella and cap would be for those rainy days especially in Vancouver, BC. The tumbler would be ideal for students to bring with them to school and even to class to enjoy their favorite blend of Conquer Tea. This project has been a fun project not only for me but for our entire group as well.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Update: Bubble Tea New Color Schemes

Finally we got our infographic done for our term 3 project for motion design. We did many variations to the color schemes of the Bubble Tea brand and we did a few samples of the brand application.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Updated: Brochure Design for Virtuoso Mock-Up

These are the sample mock-ups I've done for the Virtuoso project. I'm pretty happy with the outcome this work since I've never really did any grunge design before and considering that I was able to finish these samples around 4:30am. Working overtime with Louie in completing the brochure design and posters for our class in project management. Indeed it was worth the extra time spent working in school and not mention a good experience when it comes to working on your projects.

The concept behind these work is having the grunge feeling with the sense of mystery and simplicity. After talking to our client about what he wants for the design piece we were able to gather out reference to show him about the art direction we're taking. Of course being able to work on a documentary film that's all about the Theremin instrument, we wanted to emphasize on the hand gestures, so we took series of shots of different gestures and apply that element throughout the whole design. As a special request from our client is that he wants to also portray images of circuits found inside the Theremin, so we incorporated that idea into our concept as well. So hope everything goes well before our big presentation. I'm totally burn out from the overtime work but I'm looking forward on the progress of this project.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Anime Character

Did this during my spare time hehe...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Conquer Logo Design

Our group decided on pursuing a tea product that could be brewed either hot or cold. Our target audience would be college students, specially students who work overtime and spend long hours in schools. When we came up with this for our final design our group discuss the different possibilities on how this logo would project our product image. We wanted to emphasize the mood of motion and active lifestyle. Being that we wanted something that would attract the young demographic being hip and cool, we also wanted to associate the thought of being healthy. The design of the lines creates motion that continuously blends well together with the font. We are still continuing our progress with this logo and its application.